To send bit data, we need 10 bit.
0(start)-8bit-1(stop) so r17 now has value 10
.include "../"
.org 0x00
rjmp start
ldi r16, 0x6D
ldi r17, 10
cpi r17, 10
breq low
cpi r17, 1
breq high
lsr r16
brcs high
cbi PORTB, PB0
rjmp sent
sbi PORTB, PB0
dec r17
breq start
rjmp shiftData
Nugrohos-MacBook-Air:serial nugroho$ avra -o serialTX.hex serialTX.s
AVRA: advanced AVR macro assembler Version 1.3.0 Build 1 (8 May 2010)
Copyright (C) 1998-2010. Check out README file for more info
AVRA is an open source assembler for Atmel AVR microcontroller family
It can be used as a replacement of 'AVRASM32.EXE' the original assembler
shipped with AVR Studio. We do not guarantee full compatibility for avra.
AVRA comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of avra under the terms
of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
Pass 1...
Pass 2...
Used memory blocks:
Code : Start = 0x0000, End = 0x000E, Length = 0x000F
Assembly complete with no errors.
Segment usage:
Code : 15 words (30 bytes)
Data : 0 bytes
EEPROM : 0 bytes
Nugrohos-MacBook-Air:serial nugroho$ vavrdisasm serialTX.s.hex
0: c0 00 rjmp .+0 ; 0x2
2: e6 0d ldi R16, 0x6d
4: e0 1a ldi R17, 0x0a
6: 30 1a cpi R17, 0x0a
8: f0 21 breq .+8 ; 0x12
a: 30 10 cpi R17, 0x00
c: f0 11 breq .+4 ; 0x12
e: 95 06 lsr R16
10: f0 10 brcs .+4 ; 0x16
12: 98 c0 cbi $18, 0
14: c0 01 rjmp .+2 ; 0x18
16: 9a c0 sbi $18, 0
18: 95 1a dec R17
1a: f3 99 breq .-26 ; 0x2
1c: cf f4 rjmp .-24 ; 0x6
Nugrohos-MacBook-Air:serial nugroho$
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