Nugroho's blog.: maverick
Showing posts with label maverick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maverick. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Keynote on Linux

No, there's no native iWork on my Debian Sid.

It has done via iCloud Drive and iCloud Keynote.

My keynote, wrote it using my old OS X Maverick (or maybe even when my MacBook is still using Lion or Snow Leopard, I forgot), can be accessed via Chrome browser.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Dating the Air

I don't do any benchmark things, but, from what I feel, this 11" standart MacBook Air has a faster and smoother experience than my mid 2009 13" MacBook Pro full option (2.5 GHz, 4G RAM)

Safari is fast!! You know what I feel when write that, :). Yup, the usually sluggish Safari is run smoother on MBA.

Windows 8.1 run via Virtual Machine without additional fan noise, compared to its VirtualBox VM on my MBP it feels like bless from heaven. The native Mac apps could run side by side without lagging too, certainly it's very big plus. Now I can running Delphi and old Macromedia Flash and coding in silent, meditational state, noisless environment :)

I don't know how 1.4 GHz processor in MBA could outperform its 2.5GHz predecessor, but I dont mind, this 11 inch standart early 2014 MacBook Air is considered as major upgrade for me, :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Magic "Anagram" Move on Keynote

Installing Keynote 6.2.2.

It's fast.

Upgrade my old Keynote files, no problem, almost all animations and transitions is okay. Anagram, my favourite transition, works well on new Keynote.

Until I creates new presentation directly from it.

Well, duh, ... (description about getting used to new interface with tripped out here and there)

and what...? Where's my lovely anagram?

(feels depressed)

Fiddling some days

and hooray..., the anagram's there, it just didn't appear as single transition, it merged to magic move

the bonuses is, we still able to move other object, even resize it, just as old magic move do

Now, my favourite transition is Magic Move, :)

here the vid


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Lazarus on OS X 10.9



an all I got is this

it seems with Maverick, Apple introduced Xcode 5 and dropped GDB in favor of the LLDB debugger. Because Lazarus doesn't support LLDB (yet), Lazarus fails running compiled applications if the Debugger (Default: GNU debugger (gdb)) isn't disabled.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Laggy Mavericks and QuickLook that Neither Quick nor Look on Anything

Don't know what happened, but my Maverick is getting slower and slower.

QuickLook can't preview .f,  .py and .tex files (and other files type too as I tried to "quick-looking" other type but fortran, python and latex  is what I "quick-looking" most).

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My new OS X Maverick

Just install it on my mid 2009 Macbook Pro 13 inch and well..., nothing change at the first look. It just like the old Mountain Lion appearance.

Wait, oh yeah, there is iBooks in the Dock and wow..., iOS Maps is there as well.

More importantly, the Safari is quite stable now, at least I didn't use Chrome for 3 hours now, :). Of course it's good signal of Safari direction,  I used to use Chrome in Mountain Lion and now glad I can switch back.
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