I bought Behringer Xenyx QX1202usb, a wonderful cheap small mixer.
Turn out that it has serial number or code in it case. It allowed us to get full access for Tracktion software.
So I follow the instruction: register, got confirmation email, download.
When running the software it prompt me to choose between unlock or continue trial. Of course I went to unlock route. But when I type my email and password it get error.
Tinkering with it for some hours, the truth's hit me. Tracktion gave me T5 software link in my email. The license is for T4.
So I download T4 manually (re-register with the same email address). Installed , ran , unlocked, and... succeed.
And guess what, after I unlocked T4, I ran T5, and it suddenly became unlocked, a little surprise bonus..., :)
Kelompok pertama adalah bahasa walikan khas aremania jaman dulu, kelompok kedua adalah bahasa walikan aremania jaman sekarang yang sering saya baca di pasting media sosial.
Apa bedanya?
Bahasa Ngalam kelompok pertama, yang merupakan generasi awal bahasa walikan; hanya membalik kata-kata serapan; kata-kata non bahasa jawa, misal bahasa indonesia. Konon dulu digunakan sebagai sandi, karena penjajah sedikit banyak tahu bahasa indonesia dan tidak tahu bahasa jawa maka penggunaan bahasa indonesia dibalik. Ada beberapa pegecualian seperti kata 'beli' karena jika dibalik tidak dapat dibedakan antara 'ileb' dan 'ilep', maka kata 'beli' tetap dipakai secara normal tanpa dibalik.
Karena bahasa ini merupakan bahasa yang berkembang dan masyarakat pun berkembang. Dengan seiring perkembangan teknologi dan lahirnya generasi baru Ngalamania, bahasa ini juga berkembang, meski menurut saya menuju ke arah yang membingungkan.
Eh, kenapa?
Membingungkan karena generasi baru pemakai bahasa ini membalik kata-kata secara membabibuta. Tentu saja sejak awal memang tidak ada kaidah resmi bahasa walikan. Namun jika kita membalik semua kata termasuk bahasa jawa, percakapan akan menjadi mengerikan (setidaknya bagi saya) karena otak dipaksa menganalisis dan membalik secara nonstop.
Dari dua kelompok contoh di atas, kelompok pertama lebih mudah dipahami (menurut saya), dan saya sudah familier dengan model pembalikan seperti itu selama bertahun-tahun.
Kelompok kedua? Well, sepertinya saya harus mengkalibrasi otak dulu, :)
Kenapa orang tua jaman dulu melarang kita menyapu rumah di malam hari? Kalaupun terpaksa harus menyapu, sapuannya tidak boleh diarahkan keluar melainkan ke dalam untuk dibuang esok harinya?
Mungkin (hanya kemungkinan), hal itu untuk menghindari barang-barang kecil berharga semacam anting-anting atau kalung emas tipis, atau simcard, yang tak sengaja terjatuh ke lantai ikut tersapu keluar. Karena pada malam hari disapu ke arah dalam, maka misal barang-barang berharga ikut tersapu, kita masih akan dapat mencarinya esok hari, saat cahaya terang, saat akan membuang hasil sapuan di malam kemarin.
So, what's the z-axis for? It's represent the u value, in this case, temperature, as function of r and phi (I know I should use rho, but, ...)
import scipy as sp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3 import matplotlib.animation as animation
It means to compute 2d diffusion equation just like previous post in polar/cylindrical coordinate, and all went to wrong direction, :)
Still trying to understand matplotlib mplot3d behavior
import scipy as sp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3 import matplotlib.animation as animation
Baca komen seperti "Permainan gitar Eross pecah banget...." di Youtube, hati langsung panas.
Berani-beraninya menghina sang maestro, sana, ke comberan sana, tempat asalmu, ...
Eh, tunggu...
Itu bukan hinaan, itu pujian...
Pecah? Pujian?
Yeah, beberapa dari kita sering menggunakan kata tak pada tempatnya, :)
Penggunaan kata 'pecah' sebagai pujian datang dari Maia Estianty saat menjadi juri The Remix.
Tentu saja penggunaan kata 'pecah' di dunia DJ atau remix sangat cocok; merujuk pada sunyi yang lambat laun menjadi semakin ramai seiring dengan penumpukan nada-nada sampling yang makin banyak, tempo yang makin cepat dan diakhiri dengan sebuah hentakan..., pecah...,
OK, itu pujian, bagaimana kalo kata 'pecah' digunakan di permainan gitar. Yeah, kami menganggap kata pecah sebagai kata berkonotasi buruk; merujuk pada suara gitar yang seharusnya clean namun karena setting yang buruk jadi terdengar 'brebet' atau 'pecah'.
Bukannya efek gitar Telecaster-nya Eross mempunya karakter pecah? Ehm, EDrive-nya Eross, seperti namanya, 'drive', hanya bertugas sebagai booster saat permainan lead, bahkan kalo kita lihat di penampilan live, Eross jarang sekali menggunakan stompbox, dia memainkan knob volume untuk efek crunch atau crisp. Jika ingin suara clean, dia mengecilkan volume gitarnya.
Suara Telecaster Eross 'pecah'? Well, lebih baik pakai kata crunchy, crispy, ..., lebih diterima oleh banyak gitaris, :)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ A program which uses an explicit finite difference scheme to solve the diffusion equation with fixed boundary values and a given initial value for the density.
Two steps of the solution are stored: the current solution, u, and the previous step, ui. At each time- step, u is calculated from ui. u is moved to ui at the end of each time-step to move forward in time.
dx=0.01 # Interval size in x-direction. dy=0.01 # Interval size in y-direction. a=0.5 # Diffusion constant. timesteps=500 # Number of time-steps to evolve system. t=0.
nx = int(1/dx) ny = int(1/dy)
dx2=dx**2 # To save CPU cycles, we'll compute Delta x^2 dy2=dy**2 # and Delta y^2 only once and store them.
# For stability, this is the largest interval possible # for the size of the time-step: dt = dx2*dy2/( 2*a*(dx2+dy2) )
# Start u and ui off as zero matrices: ui = sp.zeros([nx,ny]) u = sp.zeros([nx,ny])
# Now, set the initial conditions (ui). for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): if ( ( (i*dx-0.5)**2+(j*dy-0.5)**2 <= 0.1) & ((i*dx-0.5)**2+(j*dy-0.5)**2>=.05) ): ui[i,j] = 1 ''' def evolve_ts(u, ui): global nx, ny """ This function uses two plain Python loops to evaluate the derivatives in the Laplacian, and calculates u[i,j] based on ui[i,j]. """ for i in range(1,nx-1): for j in range(1,ny-1): uxx = ( ui[i+1,j] - 2*ui[i,j] + ui[i-1, j] )/dx2 uyy = ( ui[i,j+1] - 2*ui[i,j] + ui[i, j-1] )/dy2 u[i,j] = ui[i,j]+dt*a*(uxx+uyy) ''' def evolve_ts(u, ui): """ This function uses a numpy expression to evaluate the derivatives in the Laplacian, and calculates u[i,j] based on ui[i,j]. """ u[1:-1, 1:-1] = ui[1:-1, 1:-1] + a*dt*( (ui[2:, 1:-1] - 2*ui[1:-1, 1:-1] + ui[:-2, 1:-1])/dx2 + (ui[1:-1, 2:] - 2*ui[1:-1, 1:-1] + ui[1:-1, :-2])/dy2 )
# Now, start the time evolution calculation... #tstart = time.time()
f1 = gcurve(color=color.blue)
while True: rate(60) #for m in range(1, timesteps+1): if t<timesteps: t+=dt evolve_ts(u, ui) ui[:] = u[:] # I add this line to update ui value (not present in original code) #print "Computing u for m =", m f1.gcurve.pos = [] for i in arange(nx): f1.plot(pos=(i,u[nx/2,i]))
#tfinish = time.time()
#print "Done." #print "Total time: ", tfinish-tstart, "s" #print "Average time per time-step using numpy: ", ( tfinish - tstart )/timesteps, "s."
If we want to set b as finite difference result of a, we may tempted to do this
for i in range (9): b[i] = a[i+1]-a[i]
There's another (faster) way. The performance's close to the pure C, :)
b[:-1] = a[1:]-a[:-1]
What's that?
Numpy has slice form for array. If we have an array with length 10, the a[:] refers to all value in a.
a[1:] refers to a[1] to a[9] (without a[0]) a[3:] refers to a[3] to a[9] a[:-1] refers to a[0] to a[8] a[:-3] refers to a[0] to a[6] a[1:-1] refers to a[1] to a[8] ... and so on
I used textfile variable to write to a file (or create it if it don't exist).
CSV file? Just make sure that the name at assignfile command had .csv extension, :)
Of course we have to format the output to meet the CSV standart; separated by comma.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var fileku:textfile; i,j,n:integer; begin n:=10; assignfile(fileku,'data.csv'); rewrite(fileku); writeln(fileku,'tadaa...'); for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to n do begin writeln(fileku,i,',',j,',','data',i,j); end; end; closefile(fileku); end;
I found it's way smoother than WineBottler version, ...., but hard to figure how to use it
To install Delphi in OS X using WineSkin, we have to download and install Wineskin, of course, :)
Open Wineskin Winery.app
Make sure you have a Wrapper version and an Engine
Select the Engine you want to use (I use WS9Wine1.7.52)
Press the Create Wrapper button
Enter in the name Delphi (or whatever you have in mind) for the wrapper and press OK
When its done being created, click the button to view it in Finder in the finished window
Close Wineskin Winery.app.
Right click Delphi.app in Finder and select “Show Package Contents”
Double click and run Wineskin.app.
Now click on the Install Software button
Select to choose a setup executable
Navigate to the Delphi setup exe file you downloaded in step one
Select the setup exe file and press the choose button
At this point Delphi setup should begin, go through the Delphi setup like a normal install
After the setup is done, back in Wineskin.app, it should pop up asking you to select the .exe file
Choose the delphi32.exe file in the drop down list and press the Select Button
Now press the Quit button to exit Wineskin.app
Back in Finder, double click Delphi.app and start coding
It has the same problem with WineBottler, the toolbar tab's seem order by itself alphabetically, so the default toolbar tab is not ' standard ' tab but 'additional' one
Maybe it's my drumming posture on throne, or other cause.
It's hard for me to lift my heel, so I use heel down technique all the time, :)
Is it fast?
Not really, but it's enough for my genre of music.
If the fast heel and toe is needed, I manage to catch it up with normal kick with heel down and straight toe, and the second hit is with my toe in curl position (heel down)
It isn't heel and toe technique, it's straight and curl toe technique, :D