Nugroho's blog.: Wave Simulation Using Visual Python.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wave Simulation Using Visual Python.

 I used previous code (with matplotlib animation).

 Removed the matplotlib part, swap it with vpython, :)

import numpy as np #untuk operasi array
from visual import *

n = 39
x = np.arange(0., 1.,1./n ) #array dari 0 s.d 1 berjarak 1/n
y = np.zeros(n) #array sejumlah n isinya 0
y1 = np.zeros(n) # y1 : array [0..n] of real
y2 = np.zeros(n)
y1 = np.exp(-1*np.power(10*x-3,2))
y2 = np.exp(-1*np.power(10*x-3,2))

r2 = 1./512

dindingKiri = box (pos=(0.,0,0), length=.01, height=1, width=1,
dindingKanan = box (pos=(1.,0,0), length=.01, height=1, width=1,
bola = []
for i in range(n):
ball = sphere (pos=(x[i],y2[i],0), radius=.01,

#nilai awal fungsi gaussian

#print y2

def proses():
#hitung nilai baru
for i in np.arange(1,n-1):
y[i] = 2*(1-r2)*y1[i]-y2[i]+r2*(y1[i+1]+y1[i-1])
y2[:] = y1[:]
y1[:] = y[:]
#print y2

return y2

while 1:
for i in np.arange(n):
bola[i].y = y2[i]



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