Nugroho's blog.: Interference

Monday, April 11, 2016


Try to make a simple code


from pylab import *

n = 193
t = 0
dy = 1./64.

w = 1./8. #wavelength

L = 1. #distance to screen

d = .001/L #half slit distance, weird it is, but anyway...
y = zeros(n)
S = zeros(n)
A = 1.
f = 1./w # v = 1. ,:)

for i in arange(n):
y[i]= dy*i
l1 = sqrt(pow((y[i]-d),2)+pow(L,2))
l2 = sqrt(pow((y[i]+d),2)+pow(L,2))
print '***'
print l1
print l2
y1 = A*sin(f*l1)
y2 = A*sin(f*l2)
#S[i]= y1+y2
S[i]= pow((y1+y2),2)




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