Nugroho's blog.: Pakai Clip-On Tuner tetapi Gitar Tetap Fals?

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Pakai Clip-On Tuner tetapi Gitar Tetap Fals?

Pernah mengalami hal itu? Well, saya pernah, dan gara-gara itu pernah ada masa di mana saya sangat benci sekali dan menghindari clip-on tuner.

Walaupun, setelah tahu penyebabnya, tak lain disebabkan oleh kelalaian saya melihat detil dan membaca/mencari manual untuk tuner yang saya beli, hehehe.

Kesalahan apa?

Hal apa yang saya lewatkan?

Sebenarnya sederhana, yaitu penentuan standart tuning. Clip on tuner yang saya beli memiliki tombol  (terletak di belakang) untuk setting standart tuning. Kita bisa memilih frekuensi nada A antara 430 hingga 450.

Nah, saya entah bagaimana (dan memang tidak sadar tentang setting ini) tidak pernah mengecek tuning ini. Angka di kanan bawah seperti terlewati saja saat menyetem gitar, bas atau biola. Saya hanya melihat huruf ABCDEFG saja.

Walhasil, gitar saya yang sudah di-stem dengan clip-on tuner selalu memiliki nada lebih tinggi daripada piano/keyboard, karena nada A si clip-on tuner tersetting di nilai selain 440 (standart frekuensi A untuk keyboard/piano saya) . Ini mengerikan. Jadi saya jarang menggunakan clip-on tuner dan alih-alih menggunaan keyboard untuk menyetem gitar.

Yeah, malas baca, tersesat kemudian, :D

Use Clip-On Tuner but The Guitar is Still Out of Tune?

Ever experienced that? Well, I have and, because of that, there was a time when I really hated and avoided clip-on tuners.

Although, after knowing the cause, it was none other than due to my negligence in seeing the details and reading / searching for the manual for the tuner I bought, hehehe.

What's the mistake?

What did I miss?

It's actually very simple, namely the the tuning standard frequency. The clip on tuner I bought has a button (located behind) for the standard tuning setting. We can choose the tone frequency A between 430 to 450.

Well, I somehow (and indeed didn't realize about this setting) never checked this tuning. Numbers displayed in the lower right are just like being missed when I'm tuning a guitar, bass or violin. I just look for the letters ABCDEFG only.

As a result, my guitar that has been tuned with clip-on tuner always has a higher pitch than the piano/keyboard, because the clip-on tuner's A frequency is set at a value other than 440 (standard A frequency for my keyboard / piano). This is terrible. So I rarely use clip-on tuners and instead use the keyboard to tune the guitar.

Yeah, read the manual! Lazy now, lost later, :D

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