Nugroho's blog.: Playing with Central Force in Pyton with Visual Module

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Playing with Central Force in Pyton with Visual Module

 I don't use n body calculation, every sphere only attracted by force from origin, dependent upon its position.

from visual import *
from random import uniform,random

l = 17.
dl = .01
display(center=(0,0,0),background=(1,1,1),autoscale=False, width=600, height=600,forward=(-0.4,-0.3,-1))
box(color=color.white, pos=(0,0,0),length=l,height=dl, width=l, opacity=0.3)
box(color=color.white, pos=(0,0,0),length=dl,height=l, width=l, opacity=0.3)
box(color=color.white, pos=(0,0,0),length=l,height=l, width=dl, opacity=0.3)

bola = []
n = 11

G = 31.
for i in range(n):
ball = sphere (pos=(uniform(1,7),0,uniform(-7,7)), radius=.3, color=(random(),random(),random()))
ball.v = vector(0,uniform(1,3),0)


dt = 1./32.
while 1:
rate (100)
for i in arange(n):
r = bola[i].pos
v = bola[i].v
jarak = mag(bola[i].pos)
arah = -norm(bola[i].pos)
gaya = G*1./(pow(jarak,2)+.1)*arah
a = gaya
v += a*dt
r += v*dt

bola[i].pos = r


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