Nugroho's blog.

Monday, April 24, 2017

That's Not Fair!

Maybe that's something come to our mind when we read this code. Yeah, that's forward dfference. It's designed to get the difference value using the point we calculate and the next one. That means the value will "lopsided" by nature, :)

Friday, April 21, 2017

Searching Multiple Roots Numerically.

This Python code only works with function that crossing x-axis.

The idea is we started from x=0 and walking to the positive direction and evaluating f(x) as we walk.

If there's change of the sign of f(x) from + to -, or vice versa, there must be a root in that area.

We began to surround it to find the-x that correspond to f(x)=0. That x value is the root.

After the root is found, we began to walk along x-axis again until found any sign change of f(x), or until x limit set on code.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Manual Gauss Elimination on 3x3 Matrices in Delphi

I use this code in order to find its pattern.

Yes, there is many Gauss code out there. I plan to write it on next post about it. The dynamic Gauss Elimination code that could be implemented to any size of matrices.

But for now, let just settle on this.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Again, :)

Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation on Python.

It's a whole a lot easier than Newton's divided differences interpolation polynomial, because there is no divided difference part that need a recursive function.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Tentang religi, sepertinya @pitoyoamrih memang sangat berhati-hati sekali. Beliau menempatkan setting cerita bukan di dunia nyata kita (yang sudah penuh kontroversi religi), namun di dunia tersendiri yang bernama dunia wayang,  :)

Pun demikian, toh dewa-dewa di dunia wayang @pitoyoamrih tidak bertindak sebagai Tuhan, namun sebagai makhluk dengan tugas dan kemampuan khusus.


Bahkan di banyak cerita, para dewa ini cenderung  bertindak seperti oknum pejabat yang korup dan/atau sewenang-wenang sehingga perlu dilabrak oleh rakyatnya, :)

Sukati dan Penyukilan.

Akhirnya saya tahu yang ini. Lagi-lagi @PitoyoAmrih menambal lubang di kamus wayang saya. :) 

Kali ini tentang nama alias.

Saya sudah cukup akrab dengan nama alternatif di dunia wayang. Bahkan dengan beberapa gagrak yang berbeda.

Permadi, Pinten, Tangsen, Yayi Suni, kakang Suman, Bawor, Jaka Pitana, Suyudana, Jaladara, Kakrasana,...

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