Nugroho's blog.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ipad iOS 4.2

Yesterday I update my mac via software update and surprisingly found new iTunes update for iPad iOS 4.2 support.

Not sure how is going on, I try googling about it before update my iPad from 3.2.2 but alas no result at all.

I wonder, why everyone are in doubt updating their iPad? Is it possible all iPad owner (like me) waiting for review before upadate their iPad? heheh...

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Spock (atau Kirk?)

...tapi kami adalah kita, mereka juga bagian dari kita, jadi kita berdua adalah kita.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dvorak Keyboard Layout on My Macbook Pro 13" 5,5

After a while. I decide to use Dvorak layout.
It just need 30 minutes to popping keyboard's cap off and rearrange it.

Here the result.

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

Monday, November 30, 2009

Integral menggunakan Metode Numerik di Python

Integral suatu fungsi merupakan jumlah luasan di bawah fungsi tersebut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka kita dapat membuat sebuah algoritma untuk mencari luasan sebuah fungsi tanpa perlu mengintegralkan fungsi tersebut. Metode ini memiliki bentuk sebagai berikut

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

N adalah jumlah segmen Untuk mencari integral dengan cara numerik digunakan algoritma berikut:
  1. Bangkitkan x1, x2, ..., xn
  2. Masukkan nilai-nilai tersebut ke g(x)
  3. Jumlahkan nilai-nilai di langkah 2
  4. Bagi dengan N
  5. Kalikan dengan (b − a)
Misal, untuk mencari nilai integral

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

menggunakan python, gunakan perintah seperti pada gambar 1 yang hasilnya dapat dilihat pada gambar 2.

Dapat dilihat bahwa hasil integral tersebut dengan Monte-carlo dengan 10 segmen adalah 150.36; agak jauh dari nilai secara analitis, yaitu 168.

Agar akurat, kita perlu memperbesar nilai N. Sebagai contoh, jika nilai N kita ubah menjadi 100, maka hasil integralnya adalah 166.203, lebih mendekati
nilai yang sebenarnya. Tentu saja dengan semakin besar nilai N maka akan (relatif) semakin lama pula penghitungannya.

Sebagai improvisasi, kita dapat menyajikan data hasil kode Python dalam bentuk web dengan webserver python atau mengatur agar user dapat memasukkan input saat runtime. Kita juga dapat memproses grafik menggunakan PILmenyimpan hasil perhitungan ke format excel dan membaca file excel hasil penyimpanan 

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala in Tablet PC HP TX2500

After having OpenSuSE 11.1 installed on my Tablet PC for about a year, I want to try installing Ubuntu 9.10 on my TX2500. I used Karmic Koala iso image for AMD64 architecture and start with liveCD choice first.

Using LiveCD, everything is seem work without problem. When a familar exotic GNOME welcome sound is heard, I suddenly jump and think ”hooray, this cool Tablet PC is finally supported by ubuntu...”. Ridiculous, yeah, but the big problem prevent me for installing ubuntu on TX2500 is that no sound support (hey..., how we can life without music...), so, realizing that it wasn’t problem anymore (as well as my pen and eraser on touchscreen), I decided to override my SuSE 11.1 with this Koala.

Oh yeah another pleasure is a popup offers me if I want to install Broadcom, SLModem and ATI propietary driver but, planned to install that after install to harddisk, I close that windows (uh, what the poin install something in live system?).

After install Koala and boot into its system, I wait for popup offerring propietary driver installation but it never showed up, but everything is OK:
  1. Sound is work, that’s good
  2. Digitizer is work, I can use my pen and eraser as pointer and primary click eventhough finger-touch isn’t work.
I, after a couple minute, finally found how to install propietary driver, using menu Hardware Driver, I installed Broadcom Wifi, SLModem and fglrx ATI propietary driver. I also want my system always updated and use newest soft- ware, so, using synaptic, I updated software and even upgraded kernel. Here the problem arise.

After updating softwares and upgrading kernel of Karmic Koala, sound refuse to sounding (aaaaaargh..), no sound hardware detected, volume icon represent dummy hardware. I think it’s ALSA problem (like other said when i googling for solution) so I download alsa-driver, alsa-utils and alsa-... and com- piled them form source (uh). Still no sound after restarting.

I do deep search at google again and found realy simple but powerful solution: deactivate slmodem driver from hardware driver and voilaaa...., my sound is back

Here some note from Karmic Koala on my TabletPC tx2500 series
  1. Sound is work
  2. Pen digitizer is work out of the box
  3. Broadcom Wifi is work (propietary driver)
  4. Remote is work out of the box. It can raise volume (master volume), play next/previous song on mp3-player
  5. Webcam could be accessed through cheese
  6. My Sierra HSDPA modem was detected automagically (no need wvdial command line, heheh)
  7. Compiz-fusion run smoothly, so I can use compiz 3D effect and emerald in my desktop

(for Oneiric Ocelot, see here)

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala in TabletPC HP TX2500

After having OpenSuSE 11.1 installed on my TabletPC for about a year, I want to try installing Ubuntu 9.10 on my TX2500. I used Karmic Koala iso image for AMD64 architecture and start with liveCD choice first.

Using LiveCD, everything is seem work without problem. When a familar exotic GNOME welcome sound is heard, I suddenly jump and think ”hooray, this cool TabletPC is finally supported by ubuntu...”. Ridiculous, yeah, but the big problem prevent me for installing ubuntu on TX2500 is that no sound support (hey..., how we can life without music...), so, realizing that it wasn’t problem anymore (as well as my pen and eraser on touchscreen), I decided to override my SuSE 11.1 with this Koala.

Oh yeah another pleasure is a popup offers me if I want to install Broadcom, SLModem and ATI propietary driver but, planned install that after install to harddisk, I close that windows (uh, what the point install something in live system?).

After install Koala and boot into its system, I wait for popup offerring propietary driver installation but it never showed up, but everything is OK:

  1. Sound is work, that’s good
  2. Digitizer is work, I can use my pen and eraser as pointer and primary click eventhough finger-touch isn’t work.

I, after a couple minute, finally found how to install propietary driver, using menu Hardware Driver, I installed Broadcom Wifi, SLModem and fglrx ATI propietary driver. I also want my system always updated and use newest soft- ware, so, using synaptic, I updated software and even upgraded kernel. Here the problem arise.

After updating softwares and upgrading kernel of Karmic Koala, sound refuse to sounding (aaaaaargh..), no sound hardware detected, volume icon represent dummy hardware. I think it’s ALSA problem (like other said when i googling for solution) so I download alsa-driver, alsa-utils and alsa-... and com- piled them form source (uh). Still no sound after restarting.

I do deep search at google again and found realy simple but powerful solution: deactivate slmodem driver from hardware driver and voilaaa...., my sound is back

Here some note from Karmic Koala on my TabletPC tx2500 series

  1. Sound is work
  2. Pen digitizer is work out of the box
  3. Broadcom Wifi is work (propietary driver)
  4. Remote is work out of the box. It can raise volume (master volume), play next/previous song on mp3-player
  5. Webcam could be accessed through cheese
  6. My Sierra HSDPA modem was detected automagically (no need wvdial command line, heheh)
  7. Compiz-fusion run smoothly, so I can use compiz 3D effect and emerald in my desktop

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

From Ubuntu Karmic Koala

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pemetaan Balik dari Bidang ke Kulit Bola

Pemetaan dari kulit bola ke bidang x-y mengikuti persamaan berikut.

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

(x,y) adalah koordinat titik di bidang x-y sedangkan (x′,y′,z′) adalah koordinat titik pada permukaan bola (S2). Persamaan di atas memetakan titik (x′, y′, z′) pada permukaan bola ke bidang x-y (R2) di titik (x, y) menggunakan proyeksi stereografis.
Jika kita ingin melakukan sebaliknya; memetakan sebuah titik di R2 ke S2, maka kita harus mendapatkan nilai x′ yang diungkapkan dalam x dan y, hal yang sama berlaku untuk y′ dan z′.
Karena kita sudah memiliki dua persamaan (1, 2) sedangkan kita men- cari 3 variabel yang belum diketahui, maka dibutuhkan satu persamaan lagi. Syukurlah, persamaaan tersebut ada dan muncul dalam bentuk persamaan untuk kulit bola, yaitu

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

sehingga kita dapat mencari x′, y′ dan z′.
Persamaan 1 dan 2 dapat ditulis ulang sebagai

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

z′ dapat dicari dengan memasukkan 4 dan 5 ke 3

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

dengan memasukkan 17 ke 4 dan 5, maka didapatkan

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

Persamaan 18, 19 dan 17 dapat digunakan untuk memetakan titik-titik diR2 ke S2.
Berikut adalah contoh-contoh kurva di R2 yang dipetakan ke S2.

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)

From Aravir (am I Physicist?)
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