Have you tune your guitar using clip-on tuner and it's perfectly in tune for all open strings, but it getting horribly out of tune at high fret. Yup, that's intonation problem striking at you.
What's guitar intonation? Well, on traditional style guitar, with straight frets, the fret placement is based on a string or based on 'standard' measurement. The problem with this placement is while it's fine with 1st string, it doesn't sound right with 2nd string (b) or 3rd (G). Of course it's like Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, if we make it work on G-string, it will sound wrong on high-e string.
Can it be solved? Some people using 'true temperament' system on their fretboard. The fret in this system is not straight but have a certain shape in order to get the strings perfectly in tune. Of course different string gauge will need different fret shape so one guitar will stuck on one type of string. (We might use another string, but it will out of tune, maybe worse than standard straight frets).
Okay, it's not generally practical. Is there another way?