Nugroho's blog.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Creating (And Editing) Movie using iPhone, Macbook Air and Final Cut Pro.

I "clone" myself so I could play music in format trio, :)


What we need?

Of course:

  • A camera, I use iPhone Camera, I have iPad Pro but...
  • A tripod, I use iPhone because my iPad couldn't be mounted on this.  
  • A Mac, Final Cut Pro only run on Mac, I use Macbook Air.
  • ehm, keyboard, guitar, bass guitar, whatever.
  • (optional), sound recording device, my iPad have decent video-sound, but sadly my iPhone isn't (maybe defect product), so I use Behringer Xenyx with usb interface and connect it to my iPhone using usb to lightning adapter.
  • a metronome, since I don't use iPad to recording, I play metronome apps an it, :) .
Okay then.

To make a video, first we have to make a video, :)

I, mean using camera. Here, the tripod is important. To be able to make a "triplet" on the same room, we have to record it sequentially using the same camera position.

So, I start with acoustic nylon guitar part from start to end, and immediately switch to bass guitar to play the bass part, and finally the keyboard part.

Keep in mind that we have to play at the different place at the room and avoid abrupt motion that could overlap each other. 

Create a virtual zone for guitarist, bassist and keyboardist and 'they' have to play the instrument on their own zone.

I have to take this session twice because the first one didn't produce audio. It turn out that I have to tighten usb cable between iPhone and Xenyx (which I should do at the beginning, :) )    

Gibbous Moon

Baru ingat (atau sadar) tadi pagi saat ngantar Alfa Beta ke Budhe dan lihat bulan benjol di atas gunung.

Pantas semalam Beta bangun tengah malam, ndak bisa tidur lagi, trus minta pintu kamar ditutup sesaat setelah fokus ke pintu.

Dia biasanya saat mau tidur selalu minta pintu kamar dibuka lebar-lebar, kecuali tadi malam, tengah malam, :)

Lah, tapi kemarin kukannya  jumat malam sabtu, dan di Indonesia hantu memiliki jadwal standart untuk muncul di kamis malam jumat dan tak ada urusan sama bentuk bulan.

Yeah, seperti kita yang ndak lagi hanya makan nasi jagung atau tiwul, tetapi juga suka spaghetti dan pizza, kemungkinan hantu-hantu Indonesia juga berkembang. 

Mereka mungkin selalu update informasi bahwa di luaran sana ada waktu keluar hantu yang beda, bukannya "Malam Jumat Kliwon" tetapi "Friday Night". Ada juga pesta hantu tahunan saat  hari jumat bertepatan dengan tanggal 13, yang di daerah jawa mungkin setara dengan tanggal Satu Suro.

Mungkin mereka juga berhubungan via media sosial dengan hantu-hantu luar negeri yang sharing bahwa ada komunitas hantu Eropa yang muncul saat bulan berbentuk benjol.

Dengan demikian, tidaklah mengherankan jika saat ini hantu-hantu bisa muncul setiap saat, karena mereka mungkin juga sudah bosen ratusan atau ribuan tahun melakukan hal yang sama terus menerus, :)


(Saya punya pengalaman sendiri saat saya masih suka tidur di luar rumah, di halaman lantai dua sambil lihat bulan dan bintang hampir tiap malam. Pada suatu malam, dini hari, bulan benjol tepat di atas kepala, tiba-tiba saya dipijit oleh seseorang (atau entah apa itu yang berbentuk orang) dengan fisik seperti nenek saya yang saya panggil "mak kecil" [saya punya tiga nenek resmi saat itu, :) ], nah nenek ini tidak mungkin ke tempat saya saat itu berbaring, lha wong rumahnya jauh. Setelah beberapa hari kemudian saya klarifikasi, ternyata dengan enteng semua sepakat bahwa itu bukan nenek saya [bahkan 'mak kecil' pun setuju], namun ibu dari nenek saya yang sudah meninggal [bahakan saat saya belum lahir] karena deskripsi fisiknya benar-benar tepat dan beliau memang punya style pijat yang unik. Wah... )

Friday, April 14, 2017

Numeric Integration using Python and Pylab

Pylab is Python module that contain NumPy and MatPlotlib.

Let f(x) = x^2 and we want to integrate it from 0 to 1.

Numerically we could use square method or trapezoidal (which is almost better).

Masa Kecil

Salah satu detil dari @pitoyoamrih yang saya suka adalah cerita tentang masa kecil seorang tokoh wayang. 

Kita tahu cerita lengkap tentang masa kecil tokoh wayang jarang ada di pakem utama. Hanya beberapa yang terkenal seperti Gatotkaca dan Wisanggeni, itupun dalam lakon  carangan.

Dengan kenyataan seperti itu (atau saya yang memang tidak tahu secara tuntas pakem utama pewayangan), buku-buku Pitoyo Amrih ini menjadi semacam hiburan yang menyegarkan. 

Tentang masa kecil Karna bersama Adirata. Deskripsi watak Karna yang ambisius, nakal dan cenderung jahat kepada orang tua angkatnya menjadi pengantar yang tepat sebagai latar belakang masa dewasanya.

Permadi kecil, sebelum diusir dari istana, yang cuek cenderung sombong dan manja, tak mau membereskan busur dan tempat anak panah.

Narayana dan Kakrasana kecil di Widarakandang yang diasuh Demang Antagopa dan Nyai Sagopi.

Masa kecil para kurawa dijelaskan dengan rapi, tentang Destarata dan Gendari yang tidak pernah memperhatikan anaknya sama sekali, dan seratus saudara seumur yang tak terurus sehingga menjadikan pengantar kelakuan Kurawa saat sudah dewasa.

Masa kecil Wisanggeni mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu karena ada lakon Lahirnya Wisanggeni.

Nah saya suka cerita detil versi Pitoyo Amrih tentang masa kecil Antareja dan Antasena. 


One of the details of @pitoyoamrih that I like is the story of the childhood of a puppet character.

We know the full story about the childhood of puppet characters is rarely in the main Pakem. Only a few are famous like Gatotkaca and Wisanggeni, and even then in the Carangan (side story).

With such a reality (or it's just me, who  don't really know the complete Pakem of Wayang ), Pitoyo Amrih's books become a kind of refreshing entertainment.

About Karna's childhood with Adirata. Descriptions of Karna's ambitious, naughty and evil tendencies to her adoptive parents became the right introduction to her adult background.

Young Permadi, before being expelled from the palace, the ignorant tended to be arrogant and spoiled, not wanting to clear the bow and place the arrow.

Narayana and small Kakrasana in Widarakandang who are raised by Demang Antagopa and Nyai Sagopi.

The kurawa's childhood is neatly explained, about Destarata and Gendari who never pay attention to their children at all, and a hundred brothers during their unkempt years, making strong background of Kurawa's behavior as adults.

Wisanggeni's childhood may have been known because there was a play about the birth of Wisanggeni.

Now I like the detailed version of Pitoyo Amrih's version of Antareja's and Antasena's childhood.


Still using Delphi?

Yup, it teach me about programming discipline, :)

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Flappy Bird Like in Delphi

Remember the infamous Flappy Bird? Yup, I will create the program based on that algorithm.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Newton Polynomial in Python

I wrote code for this in Delphi. This time I want to rewrite it in Python based on this wiki.

I use this set of data point

and I use xc=3 for the test data.

It's obvious that these sets of data points have quadratic form and f(xc) must have value of 9.

The heart of code lay on this

def n(j,xc,x):
n = 1
for i in arange(j):
n *= (xc-x[i])

return n
def a(j,l,x,y):
if j==0:
return y[0]
elif j-l==1 :
return (y[j]-y[l])/(x[j]-x[l])
return (a(j,l+1,x,y)-a(j-1,l,x,y))/(x[j]-x[l])

def N(xc,x,y):
N = 0
for j in range(len(x)):
N += a(j,0,x,y)*n(j,xc,x)

return N

Look at the function a(j,l,x,y), that's recursive function to obtain Newton divided difference value.

the whole code is this
from pylab import *

def n(j,xc,x):
n = 1
for i in arange(j):
n *= (xc-x[i])

return n
def a(j,l,x,y):
if j==0:
return y[0]
elif j-l==1 :
return (y[j]-y[l])/(x[j]-x[l])
return (a(j,l+1,x,y)-a(j-1,l,x,y))/(x[j]-x[l])

def N(xc,x,y):
N = 0
for j in range(len(x)):
N += a(j,0,x,y)*n(j,xc,x)

return N

x = []
y = []
#initial value


#for testing
xc = 3

yc = N(xc,x,y)

print ''
print xc, yc
t = linspace(-7,7,100)
u = N(t,x,y)


here's the graphics

with another sets of data points, I have another result

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