Nugroho's blog.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Here's the Culprit

 In Visual Python, helix object will generate error if helix.length = some array like the code below. I use dl, an array, for the length value
from visual import *

display(center=(1,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(2,2,2),
width=600, height=600, forward=(-.4,-.3,-1)) #arah kamera

n = 1
dt = 1./8.
dl = ones(1)

pegas = []

print dl

for i in arange(n):
spring = helix(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=0.2,, length=1.)

def updatePegas(l):
pegas[0].length = l

def proses():
global dl
l = pegas[0].length
if l>2:
l = 2
dl[0] *= -1
elif l<.5:
l = .5
dl[0] *= -1
l += dl[0]

while 1:
rate (19)


And the result is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 40, in
File "", line 36, in proses
File "", line 22, in updatePegas
pegas[0].length = l
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/VPython-6.11-py2.7-macosx-10.6-intel.egg/visual_common/", line 850, in set_length
self.__frame.axis = self.__axis.norm()
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'norm'

If we change dl from array to list, like the code below, everything is suddenly OK, :)
from visual import *

display(center=(1,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(2,2,2),
width=600, height=600, forward=(-.4,-.3,-1)) #arah kamera

n = 1
dt = 1./8.
#dl = ones(1)
dl = []
pegas = []

print dl

for i in arange(n):
spring = helix(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=0.2,, length=1.)

def updatePegas(l):
pegas[0].length = l

def proses():
global dl
l = pegas[0].length
if l>2:
l = 2
dl[0] *= -1
elif l<.5:
l = .5
dl[0] *= -1
l += dl[0]

while 1:
rate (19)


Gonna rewrite the code.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Double Spring System


With Visual Python module

I couldn't use list for spring length since it'll trigger some error for helix object. It's very unfortunate because it would come handy as we expand the number of spring and mass.

Anyway, here's the code

from visual import *
from random import uniform,random
from visual.controls import *

display(center=(1,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(2,2,2),
width=600, height=600, forward=(-.4,-.3,-1)) #arah kamera

n = 2
dt = 1./8.
pegas = []
kotak = []
box(pos=(-1,0,0), width=2, height=2, length= 2,
box(pos=(0,-.36,0), width=2, height=.2, length= 5,,opacity=.3)
for i in arange(n):
spring = helix(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=0.2,, length=1.)
ko = box(pos=(0,0,0), width=.5, height=.5, length= .5, color=

k0 = 1.
k1 = 1.

m0 = 1.
m1 = 1.

l00 = 1.
l01 = 1.

l0 = 1.
l1 = 1.1

x0 = l0
x1 = l0+l1

v0 = 0.
v1 = 0.

y = 1.
print x1
def updatePegas():
global x0,x1
kotak[0].x = x0
pegas[0].length = l0

kotak[1].x = x1
pegas[1].x = l0
pegas[1].length = l1

def proses():
global l0,v0,x0,l1,v1,x1
#untuk m0
dx0 = l0-l00
f0 = -k0*dx0
dx1 = l1-l01
f1 = -k1*dx1
a0 = (f0-f1)/m0
v0 += a0*dt
x0 += v0*dt
l0 = x0
#untuk m1
a1 = f1/m1
v1 += a1*dt
x1 += v1*dt
l1 = x1-x0


while 1:
rate (39)
y += .1


Saturday, May 7, 2016


 Banyak yang sibuk menangkis tuduhan dengan menyerang balik. Atau dengan menghabiskan waktu menjawab dan mengklarifikasi segala macam tuduhan.

 Jarang  ada yang membuktikan dengan tindakan bahwa tuduhan itu tak benar.

 Lebih jarang lagi yang cuek, melanjutkan hidup, tanpa perlu membuktikan apapun.

 Padahal yang terakhir membutuhkan energi yang lebih sedikit.


Menyambut Bulan Puasa.

 Tentu saja menyiapkan kuota.

 Menyimpan sebanyak mungkin puisi bagus untuk di-paste di grup-grup media sosial.

 Menyusun draft untuk meminta maaf via sms atau messenger lain sehari sebelum puasa, terlepas bahwa minta maaf itu harusnya terjadi saat kita melakukan kesalahan, atau pas hari raya. Yang penting ikut trend.

 Oh iya, bisa juga buka-buka sms lama tahun lalu, cari yang bahasanya keren, jawa kuno, lucu, atau yang gak jelas sekalian. Diusahakan tahun ini dikirim kepada kontak baru atau yang tahun lalu belum pernah dapat.

 Ehm, sekarang kan juga banyak "gambar tulisan" tentang segala hal. Tentu saja besar kemungkinan ada "gambar tulisan" tentang awal puasa.

 Ohya, jangan lupa set reminder untuk sepuluh hari terakhir puasa. Itu musim "sharing" tulisan-tulisan tentang keutamaan berbagai macam kegiatan, yang biasanya di bawahnya ada catatan: "kirim ke limapuluh kenalan agar dijamin masuk surga minimal level 5".  Meskipun berat di bandwith dan kuota, tak ada salahnya ikut tren yang ini.

 Kemungkinannya kecil, tapi usahakan cari masjid yang ada akses wifi gratis, biar saat selfie di sana bisa langsung upload. Mungkin saja seratus posting pertama dengan hashtag #tarwih mendapat bonus poin pahala.

 Selamat bersiap-siap, :)


Normal Mode

 Planned to write coupled oscillator, using double spring.

 For some reason, Vpython refused to set length of helix with some value from array or list or any value derived from them. It only accept plain number or  number from simple variable (like a = 3. ). It hugely messed the whole script as I used l = [] for helix length.

 So, rewriting the code, create l0 and l1 manually.

 Didn't have energy to code the rest. So, at the moment, just call it "normal mode" coupled oscillator, heheh...


from visual import *
from random import uniform,random
from visual.controls import *

display(center=(0,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(5,5,3),
width=600, height=600, forward=(-1.4,-1.3,-1)) #arah kamera

n = 2
dt = 1./8.
pegas = []
kotak = []
w = ones(n)
w /= 2.
for i in arange(n):
spring = helix(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=0.2,, length=1.)
ko = box(pos=(0,0,0), width=.5, height=.5, length= .5, color=

k0 = 1.
m0 = 1.

l00 = 1.
l01 = 1.

l0 = 1.1
l1 = 1.

x0 = l0+w[0]/2

v0 = 0.
v1 = 0.

y = 1.
print pegas[0].length
def updatePegas():
global x0
kotak[0].x = x0
pegas[0].length = l0

x1 = l0+w[0]+l1+w[1]/2
kotak[1].x = x1
pegas[1].x = l0+w[0]

def proses():
global l0,v0,x0
dx = l0-l00
f0 = -k0*dx
a0 = f0/m0
v0 += a0*dt
l0 += v0*dt
x0 = l0+w[0]/2


while 1:
rate (19)
y += .1



 Jadi ceritanya gini:

 Saya berangkat sekolah,

 trus diperkosa,

 trus dibunuh.

 The End.

 Mohon dicopy dan sebarluaskan ke medsos ya, :D

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