With Visual Python module
I couldn't use list for spring length since it'll trigger some error for helix object. It's very unfortunate because it would come handy as we expand the number of spring and mass.
Anyway, here's the code
from visual import *
from random import uniform,random
from visual.controls import *
display(center=(1,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(2,2,2),
width=600, height=600, forward=(-.4,-.3,-1)) #arah kamera
distant_light(direction=(1,1,1), color=color.red)
n = 2
dt = 1./8.
pegas = []
kotak = []
box(pos=(-1,0,0), width=2, height=2, length= 2, color=color.black)
box(pos=(0,-.36,0), width=2, height=.2, length= 5, color=color.black,opacity=.3)
for i in arange(n):
spring = helix(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=0.2, color=color.red, length=1.)
ko = box(pos=(0,0,0), width=.5, height=.5, length= .5, color= color.green)
k0 = 1.
k1 = 1.
m0 = 1.
m1 = 1.
l00 = 1.
l01 = 1.
l0 = 1.
l1 = 1.1
x0 = l0
x1 = l0+l1
v0 = 0.
v1 = 0.
y = 1.
print x1
def updatePegas():
global x0,x1
kotak[0].x = x0
pegas[0].length = l0
kotak[1].x = x1
pegas[1].x = l0
pegas[1].length = l1
def proses():
global l0,v0,x0,l1,v1,x1
#untuk m0
dx0 = l0-l00
f0 = -k0*dx0
dx1 = l1-l01
f1 = -k1*dx1
a0 = (f0-f1)/m0
v0 += a0*dt
x0 += v0*dt
l0 = x0
#untuk m1
a1 = f1/m1
v1 += a1*dt
x1 += v1*dt
l1 = x1-x0
while 1:
rate (39)
y += .1