Nugroho's blog.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Normal Mode

 Planned to write coupled oscillator, using double spring.

 For some reason, Vpython refused to set length of helix with some value from array or list or any value derived from them. It only accept plain number or  number from simple variable (like a = 3. ). It hugely messed the whole script as I used l = [] for helix length.

 So, rewriting the code, create l0 and l1 manually.

 Didn't have energy to code the rest. So, at the moment, just call it "normal mode" coupled oscillator, heheh...


from visual import *
from random import uniform,random
from visual.controls import *

display(center=(0,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(5,5,3),
width=600, height=600, forward=(-1.4,-1.3,-1)) #arah kamera

n = 2
dt = 1./8.
pegas = []
kotak = []
w = ones(n)
w /= 2.
for i in arange(n):
spring = helix(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=0.2,, length=1.)
ko = box(pos=(0,0,0), width=.5, height=.5, length= .5, color=

k0 = 1.
m0 = 1.

l00 = 1.
l01 = 1.

l0 = 1.1
l1 = 1.

x0 = l0+w[0]/2

v0 = 0.
v1 = 0.

y = 1.
print pegas[0].length
def updatePegas():
global x0
kotak[0].x = x0
pegas[0].length = l0

x1 = l0+w[0]+l1+w[1]/2
kotak[1].x = x1
pegas[1].x = l0+w[0]

def proses():
global l0,v0,x0
dx = l0-l00
f0 = -k0*dx
a0 = f0/m0
v0 += a0*dt
l0 += v0*dt
x0 = l0+w[0]/2


while 1:
rate (19)
y += .1



 Jadi ceritanya gini:

 Saya berangkat sekolah,

 trus diperkosa,

 trus dibunuh.

 The End.

 Mohon dicopy dan sebarluaskan ke medsos ya, :D


Friday, May 6, 2016

One Blog a Day keep Doc Away



 Bahan baru buat ide jahil besok, :)

from visual import *
from random import uniform,random
from visual.controls import *

display(center=(0,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(3,5,3),
width=600, height=600, forward=(-1.4,-1.3,-1)) #arah kamera

spring = helix(pos=(0,2,1), axis=(5,0,0), radius=0.5,

dl = .1
l = 1.
def proses():
global l,dl
spring.length = l
if l>2:
l = 2
dl *= -1
elif l<.5:
l = .5
dl *= -1
l += dl

while 1:
rate (19)


Piston Free Expansion Oscillation.

The result of daydreaming, :)

from visual import *
from random import uniform,random
from visual.controls import *

display(center=(0,0,0),background=(1,1,1), autoscale=False, range=(5,7,7),
width=600, height=600, forward=(0.4,-0.3,-1)) #arah kamera

cylinder(pos=(-4,0,0), axis=(7,0,0), radius=1,, opacity=.1)
piston = cylinder(pos=(-2,0,0), axis=(1,0,0), radius=.7,
piston1 = cylinder(pos=(-2,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=.1,

p0 = 1.
A = 1.
x0 = 5. #panjang piston
c = p0*A*x0
x = 3
dx = x0-x #
m = 1.
v = 0.
dt = 1./8.
def proses():
global x,v,dx
p = c/x
dp = p-p0
print x,dp
f = -dp
a = f/m
v += a*dt
dx += v*dt
x -= v*dt

piston.x = dx
piston1.x = dx
while 1:
rate (19)


Ball Oscillation Inside a Sphere

 with Visual Python.

 I use nonlinear solution, :)

from visual import *
from random import uniform,random
from visual.controls import *

display(center=(0,0,0),background=(1,1,1), #autoscale=False,
width=600, height=600, forward=(-0.4,-0.3,-1)) #arah kamera


dl = .01
l = 1.1

box(color=color.white, pos=(0,0,0),length=2*l,height=dl, width=dl, opacity=.3)
box(color=color.white, pos=(0,0,0),length=dl,height=2*l, width=dl, opacity=.3)
box(color=color.white, pos=(0,0,0),length=dl,height=dl, width=2*l, opacity=.3)

bola1 = sphere (pos=(0,0,0), radius=1.1,, opacity=.3)
bola = sphere (pos=(1,0,0), radius=.1,

r = 1.
x = 1.
m = 1.
g = 1.
vx = 0.
dt = 1./16.
def proses():
global x,vx
f = -m*g*x/r
a = f/m
vx += a*dt
x += vx*dt
r2 = r*r
x2 = x*x
if x2>r2:
x2 = r2
y = r-sqrt(r2-x2)
bola.x = x
print x
bola.y = y-r

while 1:
rate (19)


Monday, May 2, 2016

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