Thursday, August 13, 2015
Dan beginilah hasilnya, pake spidol permanen plus pasta glow in the dark, :).
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Brake instruction from Rossi's director.
TTTTT from Pedrosa's, (full Throtle?)
Marquez, Pedrosa, Rossi
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
"Kerja adalah cinta, yang ngejawantah.
Dan jika kau
tiada sanggup bekerja dengan cinta;
hanya dengan enggan
Maka lebih baik jika kau meninggalkannya.
Lalu mengambil tempat di depan gapura candi.
Meminta sedekah dari mereka.
Yang bekerja dengan suka cita.
Dari sang Nabi,
[Kahlil Gibran] "
Hey! Angkat wajahmu.
Bermuram durja tak guna.
Susunlah lagi rencana yang harus engkau benahi.
Bangun jiwa, bangun raga bijana.
Hey! Bertahanlah.
Kegagalan adalah satu sukses tertunda.
Jangan ragu, tetap pada arahmu sejak dulu.
Keyakinan, pengharapan, teguh dalam tujuan.
Bekerja dengan cinta
bagai Sang Pencipta
membentuk citra insaninya.
Satukan dirimu seutuhnya...
Hey! Siagalah.
Raih kesempatan begitu kau jumpa.
Atur nadimu seiring irama bumi mengalun.
Bangun jiwa, bangun raga bijana.
Bekerja dengan cinta.
bagai Sang Pencipta
membentuk citra insaninya.
Satukan dirimu seutuhnya...
Sebar benih penuh kemesraan.
Hingga panen tiba.
Kita tuai kegirangan...
Satukan dirimu seutuhnya...
(Katon Bagaskara & Adi Adrian)
KLa Project
Klakustik #2
Blackberry Messengers' ID
An internal error has occured. Please try again.
Familiar with that? It's in red, in the BBM registration/sign in form above email box.
No? Well, you're lucky then. I'm stuck on that for three days on my Andromax C.
Neither reinstall BBM nor using old apk's solve that problem.
And I have no problem set it up on my Andromax I3S. Bought at the same day. Actually, my C's bonus, part of 'buy one get one' promotion.
Before this, I have BBM on my iPhone and Genymotion. Both's installed without error.
I found the solution accidentally
My BBM email IDs on my other device, real and virtual, have either or
On my Smartfren Andromax C, I'm using email with, notice the double dot.
Apparently BBM couldn't handle this.
What if we insist using the email? It's okay, just remove the dot. Some email provider like gmail ignore the dot at the address. So a.ra.vir identic with aravir. However BBM treat them as different address.
Try again with the same address but without he dots.
And it's success, horay..., :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Writers' Block
No new post for weeks?
Blocked mind?
No, it's not running out idea.
It's being fermented, :)
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Sekolah Hari Pertama Alfa
Gak mau mandi.
Gak mau pake seragam.
(Pake baju Thomas atau MacQueen saja).
Gak mau pake sepatu.
(sandal Angry Bird pink saja).
Saturday, June 27, 2015
My sky is high, blue, bright and silent.
Nugroho's (almost like junk) blog
By: Nugroho Adi Pramono