Nugroho's blog.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Displaying and Scrolling Text Typed via Serial Monitor on Arduino Nano

 Here we go. The challenge is reading serial data and store it in string, but fortunately there is readString command, :)

(I take the shoot from Photo Booth on my Mac)

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);//rs e d4 d5 d6 d7
String tulisan = "Tadaa...";
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop() {
if (Serial.available()){
// scroll 13 positions (string length) to the left
// to move it offscreen left:
for (int i = 0; i < tulisan.length(); i++) {
// scroll one position left:
// wait a bit:

// scroll 29 positions (string length + display length) to the right
// to move it offscreen right:
for (int i = 0; i < (tulisan.length()+16); i++) {
// scroll one position right:
// wait a bit:

// scroll 16 positions (display length + string length) to the left
// to move it back to center:
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
// scroll one position left:
// wait a bit:

// delay at the end of the full loop:



Menampilkan dan men-scroll text yang diketik menggunakan monitor serial di arduino nano.

Tantangannya adalah membaca serial data dan menyimpannya sebagai string. Di versi lama, kita harus membaca komunikai serial sebagai char yang tentu saja sangat merepotkan. Untungnya kita mempunyai perintah readString, :)

Arduino Nano Clone on OS X Yosemite

 After subconsciously try it on my debian machine about a week, now when I have a chance to write on arduino IDE on my Macbook, it wont upload the sketch, no port for nano.

installing FTDI driver didn't help because it use CH340G chip for com.

Grab the driver from

install it


no change, :(

found out that we have to run this on terminal

sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"


yup, the life is easier again, :)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mengirim Perintah ke Arduino Nano via Bluetooth

Menggunakan HC-05

Arduino Nano

Menyalakan LED 13 (blink tanpa delay)

Menyalakan LED 3 dengan mode PWM dengan perintah analogRead, sehingga nyala LED berangsur-angsur dari redup ke terang ke redup lagi (255 tingkat kecerahan).

Menyalakan LED 2 dengan perintah  melalui port serial bluetooth dari Mac OS X.

(program ditulis dan dijalankan di linux Debian)

led pin 3 dapat dinyalakan (setelah microcontroler tersambung dengan komputer via bluetooth) dengan mengetikkan 'nyala' atau 'mati' pada konsole di komputer.

#include <softwareserial .h>

SoftwareSerial hc05(11,12); //RX TX

String baca;

int t=0;
int dt=1;
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
//hc05.print("nilai t = ");
while (hc05.available()){
char c =;
baca += c;
if (baca.indexOf("nyala")>=0){
if (baca.indexOf("mati")>=0){

digitalWrite(13, LOW);


Friday, April 17, 2015

AngryBird-Like Velocity Changing Using ActionScript on Macromedia Flash 8

Velocity is set by dragging box. Process begin when the press on the box is released.

The 'Pig' animation is triggered whenever hitTest between 'kotak' and 'pigpig' returned true value

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fritzing, One Stop Apps for MicroController

We could write code in it, connecting parts on breadboard (or project-board), auto-route it to schematic and pcb layout (single or double layer).

It has several arduino board ready on parts section

Dengan Fritzing, kita bisa menulis kode mikrocontroler di sini, memasang komponen dan menyambung dengan kabel di project-board, kemudian me-route secara otomatis menjadi skematik seperti di EWB (Electronic Work Bench), routing otomahis juga dilakukan untuk menghasilkan layout PCB seperti di Protel (mendukung single dan double-layer)

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blink Without Delay Problem on Arduino

Well, not for all, but for me it becomes problem while turning led on using analogWrite command, some led just won’t completely shut down.

(Maybe it completely unrelated, but my analog reading on A0 is oscillating, very unstable)

I have the commands packed on a function

unsigned long t0 = 0;
const long dt = 1000;
void blinkNoD(int pin) {
unsigned long t = millis();
if(t - t0 >= dt) {
t0 = t;
digitalWrite(pin, led);

Since I already have delay in loop, and it really messed with the timing (not mention that maybe the analog reading instability have anything to do with it), I decided to modify the blink code, still without delay command.

unsigned long t0 = 0;
const long dt = 1;
void blinkNoD(int pin) {
t0 += dt
if(t0 >= 4) {
t0 = 0;
digitalWrite(pin, led);

It turned out that my analogRead instability is another problem, get to work on it, :)

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