Nugroho's blog.

Monday, November 18, 2013

iBooks Author Supported Equation with Latex-style Input

Finally, the dream comes true :)

Tonight, I give iBooks Author a try, ehm..., actually second (alright third...) try. I have it since Mountain Lion (or maybe Lion) on my mid 09 13 inch aluminium unibody macbook pro, installed and never touched.

To be fair it's awesome, having simplicity of pages and keynote yet produce a powerfull, beautifull PDF (or ibooks) file.

And guess what... When I scrambling toward menu, there's "Equation" item under "Insert" menu.


Clicked it and...

"Insert Latex or XML equation ..."

Wow,... The awesomeness is level up several degree :)

Maybe it'll become my new main weapon replacing VIM+LaTeX combo to write book or publishing.


-no footnote
-no bibliography

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jerawat Programmer

"Eh, itu fotomu pas masih kuliah ya"


"wah, jerawatmu kok banyak"


"Kayaknya kamu banyak pikiran ya"

"err..., mungkin..., sepertinya iya"

"Jangan terlalu banyak mikir, ntar jerawatnya tambah banyak"


"Emang mikirin apa?"

"mikir kenapa kok aku punya banyak jerawat"


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Selalu Minta Struk di SPBU

Yeah, selalu minta struk di SPBU yang ada fasilitas print-out struknya. Karena ada beberapa SBPU, meskipun kita tidak minta struk, mereka tetap menge-print tuk di"simpan", apalagi jika kita beli bensin dalam jumlah banyak. Ada beberapa konsumen SPBU yang meminta struk bernilai besar padahal beli bensin cuma sedikit; buat laporan ke kantor untuk uang pengganti bensin.

Mari kita cegah korupsi semacam ini bersama-sama.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Beware of Apple ID Theft

I got this email
The Frequently Asked Question link is right, it point to official apple website. But when I clicked "Verify Now" all I got is this
(look at the pic below, notice the red oval). 

I stripped the address and just left the "" and I got this


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Laggy Mavericks and QuickLook that Neither Quick nor Look on Anything

Don't know what happened, but my Maverick is getting slower and slower.

QuickLook can't preview .f,  .py and .tex files (and other files type too as I tried to "quick-looking" other type but fortran, python and latex  is what I "quick-looking" most).

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My new OS X Maverick

Just install it on my mid 2009 Macbook Pro 13 inch and well..., nothing change at the first look. It just like the old Mountain Lion appearance.

Wait, oh yeah, there is iBooks in the Dock and wow..., iOS Maps is there as well.

More importantly, the Safari is quite stable now, at least I didn't use Chrome for 3 hours now, :). Of course it's good signal of Safari direction,  I used to use Chrome in Mountain Lion and now glad I can switch back.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Studio Rekaman Tak Terduga

Sudah lama tidak take dan mixing lagu sendiri, kangen juga.

Malam-malam, semua sudah tidur. Buka laptop, buka aplikasi GarageBand dan take... action...


loh, kok?

Saking sensitifnya microphone si Mac, suara gemericik air kamar mandi pun sampai terdengar; juga rengekan si kecil yang minta "emak" dot.


ups,..., gimana kalo...

akhirnya install GarageBand di iPhone, bawa gitar akustik nylon klasik ke mobil, tutup pintu dan... yes...tak terdengar suara dari luar.

just wait..., setelah ini akan muncul lagu-lagu baru dari super-mini-compact-portable-music-studio: Mazda 323f Astina, :)
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