Nugroho's blog.: Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot On OS X Lion's VBox (NAT and Host-Guest Sharing Folder)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot On OS X Lion's VBox (NAT and Host-Guest Sharing Folder)

After installing Ubuntu 11.10 on Mac OS X Lion using VirtualBox, here first impression of Oneiric Ocelot

There is dock at left, like on Mac.

Network is works flawlessy, I can surf internet using firefox, its NAT configuration come by default while installing it.
From Oneiric Ocelot

Firefox run at fullscreen(I mean ubuntu screen), just like Lion's or iPad's Safari (Lion's version of firefox didn't auto fullscreen yet). We can windowed-mode-ed it by hovering mouse at top edge of screen, it'll show menu-bar too

Hover mouse at top
From Oneiric Ocelot
It's windowed firefox

From Oneiric Ocelot
 If we click dash home, we'll got launchpad like (just like iPad or Lion's launchpad). At second tab, there's apps available to download.

From Oneiric Ocelot

 To access shared folder on Lion named vbox, I opened terminal by clicking Dash home and type terminal on search box
From Oneiric Ocelot

 First create directory
aravir@aravir-VirtualBox:~$mkdir vbox

mount shared vbox on lion using this command
aravir@aravir-VirtualBox:~$sudo mount -t vboxsf vbox vbox 

at screenshot you know it generate error because ubuntu did'nt recognize vboxsf filesystem. To introduce it, guest addition must be installed.
From Oneiric Ocelot
From Oneiric Ocelot
From Oneiric Ocelot
From Oneiric Ocelot
Failed. Guest addition need root privilege.
aravir@aravir-VirtualBox:~$cd /Media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.6_74713
$sudo ./

After guest addition installed and the system restarted (it's support full screen on my Macbook monitor now), retype the command above, and done

 Vbox directory before mounted
From Oneiric Ocelot
After mounted
From Oneiric Ocelot

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