Nugroho's blog.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Grapher on Mac OS X

Any wonder how "x power ten" curve is? Well, maybe not, we know that equation is just another parabolic like curve. But how about (x^3-3x)/(4x-3)? Maybe little calculation could help. How about e^x-x^2... (oh my God, WHAT IN EARTH YOU'RE TRYING TO SAY?)

It begin when I bought my first Mac. I realized that we could search anything using spotlight, even application and web.

Someday (forget where and when), when I surfing on internet for solution of mathematic function, I got a page full of wonderfull snapshot of exotic function on 3D with standart cartesian system, rotateable, etc. And it's said that OS X's Grapher did that. So I am Command-Space-ing my mac and voila... There's Grapher, apps I never know exist on my mac did appear.

Grapher have capability to draw almost any kind of equation. It can draw an equation in 3D or 2D. We can draw parametric function in Grapher as well.

Yeah, Grapher is, at least for me, hidden functional application brought by OS X.

The best of all, it's free, :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Surat Yusuf

"Loh, kok Al Baqarah sih!!"
"Harusnya kan surat Yusuf"
"Eh? Tadi kan sudah"
"Al Baqarah kan sapi betina"

"Tadi sudah..."
"Masak aqiqah baca sapi betina"
"hm, emang kenapa?"
"Harusnya surat Yusuf, biar ganteng seperti nabi Yusuf"
"Hidup seperti nabi Yusuf?"
"Iya, jadi..."
"nGgak mau!!!"
"Loh kenapa? Nabi Yusuf tampan lho"
"Mungkin, tapi justru gara-gara ketampanannya dia diceburkan ke dalam sumur saat kecil oleh saudara-saudaranya yang iri, dijebak oleh Siti Zulaikha saat dewasa, apa enaknya?"

iPad 1 Mirorring without Cydia's DisplayOut on iOS 4.3.3

Many of iPad 1 owner rely on Cydia's DisplayOut app for mirorring their display device on LCD or projector. However, althought just few, some had problem with iPad Dock to VGA connector to get worked with it.
Some experienced a blank display when using VGA connector. It's weird because if we enable 'dotting', and touch iPad display, the dot appear on projector. Maybe that's minor issue when we want a iPad mirror using DisplayOut but we have an alternative (thanks to MacStories). This method can be applied on iOS 4.3.3.
Assumming we could SSH-ing our Ipad, we must navigate to system/library/coreservices/ Edit files K48AP.plist (I'm using VIM for iPad), Add lines under with 
save the change, restart the devices, pray, attach VGA connector, wait n see. :)
Of course we don't have to use VIM editor, we could just download K48AP.plist and edit it with our favorite text editor or plist editor. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Goyang Asolole

Obat hati ada lima perkaranya
ya thoyiba...
Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wus sumilir 
tak ijo royo-royo...

Syair-syair tersebut akhir-akhir ini sering saya dengar di acara-acara pernikahan. Bergema di acara-acara pernikahan. Karena banyak yang menikah di bulan haji kemarin, maka semakin gatal-lah telinga saya tiap dengar lagu-lagu tersebut diputar. Eh...?

Yeah, kita tahu format lagu-lagu populer di hajatan saat ini adalah "Dangdut Koplo Asolole". Entah berasal dari mana kata yang terakhir itu namun yang jelas nama tersebut mewakili jenis musik dangdut dengan irama kendang/ketipung yang "itu itu saja" dengan beat/ropel berdasarkan mood tukang ketipung tanpa menghiraukan itu saat jeda atau bukan. 

Hasilnya adalah berpuluh-puluh lagu dengan irama yang sama, bahkan jika anda berkaraoke, anda bisa berkaraoke menggunakan lirik lagu manapun. Satu lagu tanpa vokal bisa digunakan untuk berkaraoke beberapa lirik lagu, fiuh... 

Bukan hanya itu, sang musisi panggung bahkan bertindak lebih jauh dengan menambahkan seruan-seruan spontan yang mungkin memang cocok dalam situasi panggung namun kadang sangat tidak cocok dengan lagu yang sedang dimainkan. 

sekedar contoh seruan yang cocok

iwak peyek sego tiwul (yiiiiaahh...)
wis tuwek blablabla mentul (haahhaa...)

yang aneh

Obat hati ada lima perkaranya (yiaah)
yang pertama baca qur'an  (hya..hya)
yang kedua sholat malam (goyang titik joss) perbanyaklah


lir ilir tandure wis sumilir (hiya-hiya..)

dan diakhir lagu (baik gembira maupun sedih) selalu ada tambahan seruan

ciat ciaaaat ciiiiiiaaaaaah....


Monday, November 14, 2011

DropBox as iCloud-like Cloud

iCloud coming this fall bringing cloud computing capability to OS X Lion and iOS 5. So Mac user and iDevice (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) always have their data synced among their device.

I have a Macbook and an iPad. Unfortunately its OS is still old Snow Leopard and iOS 4.3.3 respectively. I tried to register at but maybe apple had "track record" of my device because it ask me to upgrade my mac. Hm, I wonder why Windows Vista, an old released OS, is supported while 2009 released Snow Leopard is not.

Rumors is spread that Apple will bring iCloud capability to Snow Leopard through next 10.6.9 update. While it's good to be true, I've had applied cloud solution slightly longer than apple do, using Dropbox.

Using Dropbox, we can sync files on multiple device. Dropbox upload a file to Dropbox server and then the devices, with Dropbox client installed, compare file version in its local Dropbox folder.

Dropbox is also able to sync via LAN, resulting a faster sync.

Dropbox is available at appstore as free apps.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

iPad as Display Remote Device from Anywhere using iTeleport

We're already know we could access display of computer from other computer using software like VNC, provided we can "reach directly" that computer over network.

If we're using free hotspot or LAN network behind NAT, there is no problem about it, however, if remote display behind NAT it's likely we can't access our remote display easily.

Fortunately, for iPad user, there is iTeleport, an apps used for remote display client. It's act as common remote display through LAN but it's not just that. iTeleport has capability to remote a computer display from anywhere in the world (with internet acces, of course) through gmail connection.


One minor issue is keyboard. From screenshot, it's obvious that my mac use dvorak layout, however my ipad keyboard is still presenting QWERTZ keyboard; the result is gibberish character output if we type using default floating keyboard as is. Can be solved by setting back mac keyboard to QWERTZ.

iTeleport can be obtained at iTunes store. Here excerpt description from AppStore.

Teleport yourself to your computer from anywhere in the world. With its intuitive and patent-pending interface, iTeleport gives you full control of your computer's mouse and keyboard, and provides a rich visual display of your computer screens, without any screen resolution limit....

Friday, November 11, 2011

iPad Mirroring

Yeah, as we know, iPad2 have video mirroring feature using its HDMI cable whereas we, iPad user, stuck with "keynote only" VGA adapter, but there is alternative.

There are app designed to mirorring at iPad named DisplayOut. This app, as mentioned by its name, bring mirroring capability on iPad.

DisplayOut is available to purchase at Cydia. Available at Cydia means your iPad must already jailbroken.

I don't really know if this app work with iPad dock to VGA adapter as I didn't purchase it yet. But if you googling, you'll find there is problem with VGA adapter; it just give black screen. AV component seems have no problem though.

Jailbreaking is legal (at least in US) despite its voided warranty, so it's worth to try this app.

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