Nugroho's blog.

Monday, February 13, 2017

It is, :)

“Victory must be real.

It must be earned. That means it must be rare and difficult, against steep odds,”

Excerpt From: Riordan, Rick. “The Blood of Olympus.”

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Megatruh: Kin, sudah baca postingan Tantra?
Kinanthi: Iya sudah, berani dia ya Meg.
M: Mungkin karena suasana pilkada di sana memungkinkan untuk itu. Banyak postingan yang lebih parah dari dia.
K: Tetap saja Meg, menuduh bahwa dua calon menjual agama dan mengklaim Tuhan berada di pihak mereka itu kan berani banget.
M: Mungkin buat lucu-lucuan, kan gak mungkin berpihak ke keduanya, jadi aneh kalo keduanya sama-sama menang, hihihi.
K: Memang sih, tapi postingan lanjutannya itu yang, ..., hadeuh, bagiku keren sih
M: Oh, bahwa Tuhan menolak di-klaim oleh mereka dan menunjukkan dukungan ke pasangan satunya lagi dengan mengirimkan hujan sehari semalam, hehehe, cerdas si Tantra

K: Kayaknya aku telah meracuni dia dengan gayaku. Dia nulis, hujan semalaman, seakan Tuhan sengaja mengirim air dari langit untuk membuktikan hasil kerja calon yang didukung-Nya, ckckck
M: Memang ndak ada berita banjir kan?
K: Iya sih, tetap saja dia berani sekali nulis gitu. Nggak takut di-demo apa.
M: Halah, kamu kan tahu sendiri dia kayak apa Kin, paling di demo sejuta orang dia cuma nyengir. Harusnya kamu bangga,
K: Eh?
M: Ada orang sejenis kayak kamu di sana
K: Dasar...

Which side do you choose?

Megatruh: Kin, have you read Tantra posts?

Kinanthi: Yes, how dare she be Meg.

M: Maybe because the atmosphere of the local election there allows for that. Many posts are worse than her.

K: But still Meg, alleging that the two candidates were selling religion and claiming God was on their side was very brave.

M: Maybe it's just for fun, it's not possible to side with both, so it's strange if both of them win, hihihi.

K: It's true, but the follow-up post is, ... well, it's cool to me.

M: Oh, that God refused to be claimed by them and showed support to the other couple by sending rain overnight, hehehe, the Tantra is indeed smart.

K: I think I poisoned him with my style. She wrote, it rained all night, as if God had deliberately sent water from the sky to prove the work of the candidate who's supported by Him, ckckck.

M: Indeed, there's no flood news right?

K: Yeah, still, she still dares to write that. Is she not afraid of being demoed by many people?

M: It's just that you know what she is like herself. At most she won't be affected, demoed by a million people, just grinning. You should be proud.

K: Eh?

M: There are people like you there. Tantra is one of them, :)

K: Damn ...


Jika ada dua orang dengan kualitas sama berdoa dengan cara yang sama namun isinya saling bertolak belakang, mana yang akan dikabulkan?

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Sehabis perform malah rajin latihan?

Yup, karena saat lihat rekaman video penampilan, masih banyak hal yang bisa ditingkatkan, :)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Diam itu emas,

Dan emas semakin lama akan semakin mahal.
Tentu saja emas tak berguna kalo selamanya didiamkan.

Silence is golden.

And the longer the gold is stored the more expensive it will be.
Of course gold is useless if it's only stored unused.


kadang lebih mahal dari biaya fotocopy.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

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