Nugroho's blog.: Using 'Home-Made' Fortran Binary as Python module

Friday, December 19, 2014

Using 'Home-Made' Fortran Binary as Python module

Python is easy to use, but it's slow, especially for loop computation. So I compute it using fortran like this

        subroutine subs(a, b, n)
double precision a(n)
double precision b(n)
integer n
cf2py intent(in) :: a
cf2py intent(out) :: b
cf2py intent(hide) :: n
! b(1) = a(1)
do 100 i=2, n
b(i) = a(i)-1
100 continue

save it as and do the following command
$ f2py -c aravir.f -m aravir

To use the module on the python I use the code below
import numpy as np
import aravir as ar

a = np.linspace(0,1,100)

b = ar.subs(a)

print a
print b


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