Nugroho's blog.: Front Row Replacement on Mountain Lion

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Front Row Replacement on Mountain Lion

I realized that OS X Mountain Lion didn't have Front Row anymore; in fact, it deprecated since release of Lion.

I just got RowMote Pro on my iPhone and want to test it on Front Row and... nothing happenned.

I searched and there is a way to install back Front Row on Lion and (more complicated) on Mountain Lion, but most they suggest to use XBMC instead.

I installed it from XBMC site and Rowmote detect it instatantly and so does XBMC; it can be controlled through rowmote. I don't know what happened but the XBMC icon just appear on my iPhone Rowmote apps.

As bonus, we can install official XBMC apps for iOS to from iTunes

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